More than painting


I had a lovely rest over Christmas and now it’s back to it. ‘What do artists do all day?’

I’m running a business where every job in the firm is my job and the year has begun with a little taste of every one of my different roles.

ACCOUNTANT. -  Golden Valley Cottage finances, all totted up and sent off.

PHOTOGRAPHER. - Cards and notebooks all photographed for the website.

TEACHER. - Online training module all done for teaching with Cinderford Artspace.

PUBLICITY. - Words and pictures sent off for an article about a  summer, group exhibition.

DISTRIBUTION. - Paintings collected from RWA and a Bristol Gallery. Cards delivered.

CLEANER.-  Out with the hoover and duster for a good tidy up and clean of my studio.

VENUE/EVENTS ORGANISER.- Hall and venue booked and paid for, for weekly classes.

DESIGNER.- Website  update work with Nigel, my technical help (still in progress).

PAINTER.- A day of painting at Birches Farm nature reserve near Kington.

All this can sometimes be a bit overwhelming  and exhausting especially when gardening gets thrown into the mix!, but I’m never short of variety in life, a huge amount of job satisfaction, and a fair bit of flexibility. Drawing and painting is just one precious part of it all, but time in my studio will always be my favourite job, even if I’m just sharpening pencils.

mariette voke