
I spend a lot of time in my studio and sometimes it’s good to get out,  to paint in  new places or  to work with other artists.



In 2015 I was delighted to be involved in this project with twelve, mainly textile artists, curated by mixed media artist and embroiderer Kathleen Murphy. The project had a large social media presence and culminated in a touring exhibition.

The base materials arrived in the post, a single pale glove and some Cash’s woven name tapes, to be used in a piece of artwork in any medium, along with the information that the gloves and name tapes were found in Herefordshire and belonged to ‘Daphne Bryant’.

A partner glove was given to another of the project artists, to be  reunited in the exhibition. I loved this project so much, it embodied where all my paintings start from, the  history, life stories and journeys  behind everyday objects; how and why a once treasured possession ends up where it is. I engrossed myself in Daphne Bryant’s world for three months, and everything I painted and drew in that time related to gloves, and, or Cashes name tapes!

I made lots of new contacts and friends through social media. The project inspired my first large scale watercolour,  and I was persuaded by Kathleen to run my first ever  watercolour workshop, a career changing moment for me!



The arrival of the parcel and project brief.


Daphne is a dreamer.jpg

Gathering a few props


daphne's glove.jpg

sketches and notes


Version 2.jpg