Cotton Reels 

Cotton Reels 

Cotton reels come high on my list of favourite everyday objects, along with spoons, buttons ,small mugs, and old toys. Things that are often overlooked and taken for granted but are perfectly designed to combine function with beauty.

Button tins and treasures from the sewing box are often handed down through generations and carry stories and memories with them; a thread used to stitch a special dress, a cotton reel kept for it’s colour,  a well worn needle case, or a favourite pair of  scissors.

I especially love the Sylko reels for their iconic label design and often beautiful colour names. The wooden reels are lovely things, they work perfectly, and feel just right in your hand, every colour  throughout their history, numbered and named. They make a perfect still life subject, adding colour to a painting, and often enhancing and linking together a group of objects.

I’ve found seven watercolours on a sewing theme, stashed away in my plan chest, I’m making room for new paintings  at the moment, so I’ve popped them all up on my website shop page. To give them a chance of finding new homes with the stitchers amongst you!

mariette voke