
We had three pottery students from Clay College spending time with us over Easter, helping my potter partner, Nigel to build a new wood fired kiln. I trained as a potter in Cornwall and loved clay. Our house and garden are full of pots, and pottery is a big part of life. The students were a joy to have around, there were many pot chats over coffee, at the kitchen table, their enthusiasm rubbed off on me and made me keen to have a go. Nigel has electric wheels for students, and for himself the slow quiet spin of a heavy momentum wheel. I began learning to throw thirty five (eek!) years ago on a Leach kick wheel, the sitting position and soft wooden click of the foot bar feels right to me, I like that when it's good your hands and leg work together intuitively. Hand building used to be my thing and I hadn't thrown for thirty years but by my third attempt it had all come back to me 'like riding a bike' .Now all I need are more hours in the day!.

mariette voke