Jumble sales

I love a jumble sale, and here in the Forest of Dean we still have them in local church halls, mainly in the spring and autumn. My favourite painting subject is the everyday stuff of life, cast off objects that even the other jumblers don't want; chipped china, moth eaten jackets, worn out shoes and once treasured toys. Jumble sales are an endless source of inspiration, I can pick up a perfect still life subject that for 50p prompts an image or a story that leads to my next painting. At this spring's May Hill jumbly my daughter Nancy and I found eight dresses that spanned thirty years of a life.Home stitched in the fashionable fabrics and designs of each decade. 1950's taffeta with bows, sixties and seventies crimplenes and nylon in paisleys and lime greens.I'm going to be needing a big canvas to paint all of these!

mariette voke